Frequently Asked Questions

For further questions please check our student guide.

Access to eCampus

How to get access to eCampus (essential for receiving email announcements, and for accessing non-public material)

  1. If you are a student of the University of Bonn, you most likely have a Uni-ID (university-wide user account) already.
  2. If you are a guest (Gasthörer, Zweithörer, etc. = user group 4), you need to apply for a Uni-ID. (e.g. if you are a student at B-IT or RWTH Aachen)
    1. You should fill the application online form (Neuantrag = new application if you don't have a ID; Verlängerung = renewal, if you had an ID, which does not work any more).
    2. In case of problems, please contact the help desk (InfoPunkt Uni-ID/University IT services).

Registration for Project Groups, Labs and Seminars

How nice that you are interested in one of our seminars or labs! We get many questions regarding our registration process, so here is a brief outline.

How do I register / apply for a seminar or lab?

  1. To participate in a seminar or lab in our group, you have to be present in the preliminary meeting. This meeting usually takes place in the first or second week of a semester and is announced on our teaching website. Here, we discuss the organization of the meetings and requirements for passing the module. More importantly, in the preliminary meeting we present the topic(s) of the module and answer all questions that you might have.
  2. After the preliminary meeting you must decide whether you are interested in one or more of the topics. Then you and your fellow students apply for a topic and we assign a topic and a supervisor to you. If there are not enough spots in the seminar / lab, we will take into account how many other modules you have passed in our group.
  3. If you have acquired a spot in our seminar / lab, you have to register in BASIS if you are a student at University of Bonn. B-IT students enrolled in Aachen must notify us of this situation (they can of course participate in our seminars or labs).

The lab is in "Fraunhofer Schloss Birlinghoven", how do I get there on time?

  1. Here are directions for bus, bike, car and airplane.
  2. Please note that our meetings start at the full hour, not c.t. In order to be on time you have to take a bus that arrives 20min early. This is by design, as you will need some time to register at the front gate and to get to the meeting room on campus.

Do I need to register for the preliminary meeting?

You should register for the preliminary meeting on eCampus but it is usually not necessary unless stated otherwise in the announcement of the meeting on the web page. Usually, the only exception to this is when the preliminary meeting takes place at Fraunhofer Schloss Birlinghoven.

How can I apply for a master's/bachelor's thesis?

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