Sommersemester 2023
Wissensentdeckung und Maschinelles Lernen
Bachelor BA-INF 051
Preliminary Meeting
Wednesday, 05. April 2023
10:00 Uhr - 11:00 Uhr
max. 6
Please register in ecampus for the course until 04.04.2023 , see the button below.
(Computer) Science Communication
Bachelor BA-INF 051
In dieser Projektgruppe werden grundlegende Algorithmen aus den Bereichen Wissensentdeckung und Data Mining erarbeitet und diskutiert. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Erarbeitung der Inhalte für verschiedene Zielgruppen. Die Aufgabe der Studierenden ist die Vermittlung von Wissen in Form eines Coding Nuggets als praktische Anleitung für Fachleute als auch in Form eines Blog Beitrags für interessierte Laien. Dabei wird auf die unterschiedlichen Anforderungen bei der Wissenvermittlung für unterschiedliche Zielgruppen eingegangen.
Preliminary Meeting
Wednesday, 05. April 2023
10:00 Uhr - 11:00 Uhr
max. 6
Please register in ecampus for the course until 04.04.2023 , see the button below.
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Master MA-INF 4112
With more and more data available for analysis and decision making - from web documents and digital media to sensory data from cameras, microphones, and ubiquitous devices - it becomes increasingly more important to understand how such large volumes of data can be analyzed by computers and used as the basis for new intelligent services, for decision making, and for making computers learn from experience. In companies around the world, from retail and banks all the way to Google, intelligent learning and analysis techniques are used to improve business decisions. Likewise, in science, important discoveries are made easier by automated learning methods, and games and other artifacts are being made adaptive with learning technology.
Within the intelligent systems track of the computer science Master's program, intelligent learning and analysis systems are one of the two major topics. This module (Data Mining) is one of the two modules that are offered as an introduction for master's students to Intelligent Learning and Analysis Systems. The other is the Machine Learning module taught in the winter semester. Both modules can be selected in either order, and you may choose to attend one or both of them. For a complete introduction to the topic, it is recommended to attend both modules.
In the Data Mining module in particular, we will focus more on the algorithms for discovering knowledge in large databases and on their technical properties such as scalability. We will get to know scalable variants of the decision tree methods that we have been looking at in the Machine Learning module, and discover algorithms for new Data Mining tasks that we have not been looking at there, in particular clustering, association rule discovery, subgroup discovery, discovery from spatial and geographic data, analysis algorithm for text and web documents, visualization options for data analysis. We will mostly be focusing on practical and algorithmic aspects which can be tried out with popular Data Mining packages, but will also have a chance to look at some of the theory behind the algorithms.
Lecture - Start/Time/Place
14. April 2023
Friday, 12:15 Uhr - 13:45 Uhr
Exercises - Start/Time/Place
21. April 2023
Friday, 14:00 Uhr - 15:30 Uhr s.t.
B-IT Lecture Hall, Room 0.109, Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Alle 6
Johanna Luz (Fridays)
Please register in ecampus on or before 13.04.2022.
Important Dates
Data Science and Big Data
Master MA-INF 4212
The course offers an in-depth knowledge of different aspects of big data analytics and systems, including algorithmic techniques for analyzing structured and unstructured data that cannot be stored in a single computer because it has enormous size and/or continuously arrives with such a high rate that requires immediate processing. In addition to the algorithmic aspects, distributed big data processing and database systems will be presented and applied.
Topics include similarity search, synopses for massive data, mining massive graphs, classical data mining tasks for massive data and/or data streams, architectures and protocols for big data systems, distributed batch (Hadoop) and stream (Storm) processing systems, non-standard databases for big data (Cassandra).
Dr. Tamas Horvath, PD Dr. Michael Mock
Lecture - Start/Time/Place
12. April 2023
Wednesday, 10:15 Uhr - 11:45 Uhr
Exercises - Start/Time/Place
19. April 2023
Wednesday, 12:00 Uhr - 13:30 Uhr s.t.
B-IT Lecture Hall, Room 0.109, Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Alle 6
Johanna Luz (Fridays)
Please register in ecampus on or before 11.10.2022. (Read how to access eCampus)
Important Dates
Quantum Computing Algorithms
Master MA-INF 1224
With more and more data available for analysis and decision making - from web documents and digital media to sensory data from cameras, microphones, and ubiquitous devices - it becomes increasingly more important to understand how such large volumes of data can be analyzed by computers and used as the basis for new intelligent services, for decision making, and for making computers learn from experience. In companies around the world, from retail and banks all the way to Google, intelligent learning and analysis techniques are used to improve business decisions. Likewise, in science, important discoveries are made easier by automated learning methods, and games and other artifacts are being made adaptive with learning technology.Within the intelligent systems track of the computer science Master's program, intelligent learning and analysis systems are one of the two major topics. This module (Machine Learning) is one of the two modules that are offered as an introduction for master's students to Intelligent Learning and Analysis Systems. The other is the Data Mining module taught in the summer semester. Both modules can be selected in either order, and you may choose to attend one or both of them. For a complete introduction to the topic, it is recommended to attend both modules.In the Machine Learning module in particular, we will give a practically oriented introduction into the most popular methods from Machine Learning as a subfield of Intelligent Learning and Analysis Systems. We will get to know decision tree methods, instance-based learning, artificial neural networks, probabilistic learning, regression methods, kernel methods and support vector machines, and reinforcement learning for intelligent agents. This will be complemented with lectures on the most important approaches within computational learning theory. Within the exercises, it is possible to try out the most important methods and popular Machine Learning systems.
Lecture - Start/Time/Place
03. April 2023
Mondays, 12:15 Uhr - 13:45 Uhr
Hörsaal IV, Meckenheimer Allee 176
Exercises - Start/Time/Place
03. April 2023
Wednesday, 14:15 Uhr - 15:45 Uhr, every two weeks
Place: tba
Please register in ecampus on or before 11.10.2022. (Read how to access eCampus)
Important Dates
Principles of Data Mining and Learning Algorithms: Selected Papers from NeurIPS
Master: MA-INF 4209
Preliminary Meeting
Wednesday, 05. April 2023
11 am
max. 6
MA-INF 4111 highly recommended
Please register in ecampus for the course until 04.04.2023 , see the button below.
Principles of Data Mining and Learning Algorithms: Ethics in AI
Master: MA-INF 4209
Preliminary Meeting
Wednesday, 05. April 2023
11 am
max. 6
Please register in ecampus for the course until 04.04.2023 , see the button below.
Development and Application of Data Mining and Learning Systems: Data Mining
Master: MA-INF 4306
Preliminary Meeting
Thursday, 11. April 2023
10:00 h
max. 6
MA-INF 4212 highly recommended
Please register in ecampus for the course until 04.04.2023 , see the button below.
Development and Application of Data Mining and Learning Systems: Neural ODEs and stochastic processes for time series analysis
Master: MA-INF 4306
Preliminary Meeting
Wednesday, 05. April 2023
11 am
max. 6
Please register in ecampus for the course until 04.04.2023 , see the button below.