Wintersemester 2024/2025



Wissensentdeckung,  Maschinelles Lernen und Graph-Algorithmen

Bachelor: BA-INF 051

Wir bieten drei Projektgruppen zu verschiedenen grundlegende Algorithmen aus dem Bereich Maschinelles Lernen an. Die Aufgabe der Studierenden ist es, in Kleingruppen jeweils einen Algorithmus zu erarbeiten und einen wissenschaftlichen Vortrag darüber zu halten. Im Anschluss soll der Algorithmus implementiert und evaluiert werden. Neben einem Abschlussvortrag soll eine schriftliche Ausarbeitung erstellt werden.


Preliminary Meeting

Mittwoch, 09. Oktober 2024
11 Uhr (s.t.)

Institut für Informatik Raum 3.110


max. 6




Please register in ecampus for the course until 08.10.2024 , see the button below.



Algorithms for Data Science

Master MA-INF 4112

With more and more data available for analysis and decision making - from web documents and digital media to sensory data from cameras, microphones, and ubiquitous devices - it becomes increasingly more important to understand how such large volumes of data can be analyzed by computers and used as the basis for new intelligent services, for decision making, and for making computers learn from experience. In companies around the world, from retail and banks all the way to Google, intelligent learning and analysis techniques are used to improve business decisions. Likewise, in science, important discoveries are made easier by automated learning methods, and games and other artifacts are being made adaptive with learning technology.

Within the intelligent systems track of the computer science Master's program, the Algorithms for Data Science course offers in-depth knowledge of different aspects of big data analytics and systems, including algorithmic techniques for analyzing structured and unstructured data that cannot be stored in a single computer because it has enormous size and/or continuously arrives with such a high rate that requires immediate processing. In particular, the topics include classical data mining tasks for massive data and/or data streams, mining massive graphs, and similarity search in massive data.




Lecture - Start/Time/Place

16. October 2024
Wednesdays, 14:00 Uhr - 16:00 Uhr (c.t.)

Exercises - Start/Time/Place

23. October 2024
Wednesday, 16:00 Uhr - 18:00 Uhr (s.t.)




Please register in ecampus on or before 15.10.2024. (Read how to access eCampus)

Important Dates

Exam (1st try)


Exam (2nd try)


Foundations of Quantum Computing

Master MA-INF 1107

First Exam: 10.02.2025, 14:00–16:00, H1 + H2 Hörsaalzentrum, Campus Poppelsdorf
Exam Review: 10.03.25, 14:00-16:00, Room 1.033 BIT
Second Exam: 04.04.2025, 12:00–14:00, H1 + H2 Hörsaalzentrum, Campus Poppelsdorf

Exam Review: TBD


Lecture - Start/Time/Place

14. October 2024
Mondays, 12:00 Uhr - 14:00 Uhr (c.t.)

Meckenheimer Allee 176 - Hörsaal IV  

Exercises - Start/Time/Place

Fridays, 14:00 Uhr - 16:00 Uhr (c.t.)

Meckenheimer Allee 176 - Hörsaal IV  





Please register in ecampus on or before 14.10.2024. (Read how to access eCampus)

Important Dates

Exam (1st try)

10.02.2025, 14:00 - 16:00, HS 1+2

Review: 10.03.2025, 14:00 - 16:00,  in room 1.033 BIT

Exam (2nd try)

04.04.2025, 12:00 - 14:00, HS 1+2

Review: t.b.a.


Principles of Data Mining and Learning Algorithms: Selected Papers from State-of-the-Art

Master: MA-INF 4209

The seminar will held as a block seminar.The mandatory preliminary meeting will be at Wednesday, October 09, 2024 in room 1.033.
The seminar meeting will be at Wednesday, 22. Januar 2025, 9,00 - 15.00.


Preliminary Meeting

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

10am (c.t.)

Institut für Informatik, Raum 1.033

Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 8


max. 8




Please register in ecampus for the course until 08.10.2024 , see the button below.

Principles of Data Mining and Learning Algorithms: Selected Papers from ECML PKDD

Master: MA-INF 4306

In this seminar, we will simulate the experience of a scientific conference. It will consist of two or three sessions, each dedicated to a recent topic of research interest in the realm of machine learning. For each session, three papers from this year's ECML PKDD conference, one of Europe's premier machine learning conferences, will be the focal point. Students participating in a session are required to read all three papers relevant to their topic. Subsequently, each student will be assigned one specific paper to present during the simulated conference meeting. This approach ensures a deep dive into the chosen topic while fostering skills in research comprehension and presentation.


Preliminary Meeting

The seminar is canceled, please choose one of our other seminars!

Bridging Philosophy and AI: Theories of Explanation and Explainability in Deep Learning

Master: MA-INF 4209

In this seminar we study philosophical theories of scientific explanation and understanding and explore how to apply them to formal approaches to explainability for deep learning and other neural network architectures. The seminar does not presume a deep background in philosophy or technical training in AI, and is suitable for all students of computer science or philosophy who would like to learn more about how philosophical ideas relate to developments in AI.

The seminar will be held as a block seminar. Further seminar dates will be announced during the preliminary meeting.


Preliminary Meeting

Thursday, October 10, 2024

2-3 pm

Institut für Informatik

Room 1.067

Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 8


max. 6




Please register in eCampus after our Preliminary Meeting using the button below.


Development and Application of Data Mining and Learning Systems: Machine Learning

Master: MA-INF 4306

In this lab, machine learning and data mining techniques are implemented and used in a wide range of applications. The preliminary meeting in mandatory. If you are interested in this lab, join us for the first sessions where we will present this semester's topics and discuss all organisational matters.



Preliminary Meeting

Wednesday, 02. October 2024
2 PM s.t.

Institut für Informatik Raum 3.110


max. 6




Please register in eCampus for the course until 01.10.2024 , see the button below.

Development and Application of Data Mining and Learning Systems: Data Mining

Master: MA-INF 4306

In this lab, machine learning and data mining techniques are implemented and used in a wide range of applications. The preliminary meeting in mandatory. If you are interested in this lab, join us for the first sessions where we will present this semester's topics and discuss all organisational matters.


Preliminary Meeting

Wednesday, 02. October 2024
2 PM s.t.

Institut für Informatik Raum 3.110


max. 6




Please register in eCampus for the course until 01.10.2024 , see the button below.

Development and Application of Data Mining and Learning Systems: Zero-Shot Forecasting and Neural Operators

Master: MA-INF 4306

Simply put, forecasting means to predict the future behaviour of some observable O, conditioned on some context C — where the context here is given by a sequence of past observations on O.

By zero-shot forecasting, we mean the pretraining of a deep neural network model offline, on some large and varied time series dataset, and its application on some target time series data, which is not (by any traditional standard) in-distribution, without the need of any finetuning.

In this lab, we will explore different ideas from both the time series and NLP communities, and (try to) develop simple algorithms for zero-shot forecasting. Somewhat more in detail, we will study and make us of (i) neural operators (i.e. neural networks that learn mappings between infinite dimensional spaces), (ii) Kolmogorov-Arnold networks (a recent alternative to feedforward NN), and (iii) Transformer networks to build our models.

Our main goals will be to:

  • test these ideas with some coding exercises we will do from scratch
  • read and discuss some current issues of the methodology and their possible solutions.

What you will actually have to do: we will ask you to give either two or three presentations about your numerical experiments, and hand in a final report. You will work in groups of up to 3 people.

Requirements: working knowledge of machine learning libraries like PyTorch or Jax.

Registration: No more spots available. 





Preliminary Meeting

October 11 at 9am via zoom: Meeting

Meeting ID: 682 2032 9976 Passcode: 813538 


No more spots available. 


working knowledge of machine learning libraries (PyTorch or Jax)

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